Curiosity is a super power
Be a curious learning powerhouse and always seek to reduce cycles between feedback loops. We read. A lot.
Our ability to learn and translate those learnings into action is our ultimate competitive advantage.

P.S. We now have the company book club, where our team can get free books that are on the list. Seriously. Any book, anytime.
Listen loudly
Begin by assuming positive intent (API). Repeat back what is said and empower the other party until they’re understood.
Save time by taking the time to know what someone knows (or doesn’t know). Learn how the other party comes to assumptions and how to formulate your point. Optimally.
You’ll also be way more delightful to your co-workers, customers, and everyone else around you!
Prioritize ruthlessly
Hope is not a plan.
No matter how excited we are by something new, shiny, or something we’re attached to always remember that: Effort is admirable but achievement is the judge.
Be objective and prioritize, ruthlessly.
Hard choices, easy life
We practice candor and address issues directly in real time.
It’s hard to make something new. You aren’t a bad person if you have to make a hard choice. Tough conversations will happen. Don’t shove anything under the rug. Be brave. Be bold.
No matter how painful it may seems now. Hard choices will bring you to an easy life. Or, a better one.
Trust is earned
Consistency is the true foundation of trust. As the saying goes, trust is built in drops but lost in buckets.
We need to take every opportunity to earn trust.
That entails, keeping our promises and doing whatever it takes to keep them. We own our mistakes when we can’t. And when we aren’t 100% sure, we can’t be afraid to to accept our fault.
Remember we are better together
No lone wolves at Builtfirst.
Seek feedback and collaborate, but know when to disagree and commit. Consensus isn’t necessary, but your team is. We need to operate as a team in order to realize our vision. No family drama.
We’re are a high performing team.
Customer is always first at Builtfirst
At the end of the day, we are here to serve our customer. It brings us together. It is at the center of our companies exists.
We treat every customer and make every decision like every customer is a celebrity guest in our home.
We must put our customers first always. That’s all the time. We take everything 1-step further.... we help our customers put their customers first, too.